Posts Tagged ‘women-born women’

The Pink Sex Lives …

December 11, 2011

Pink Porn, Thy Name Is Subliminal Message

Women-born women, our color is pink.

And the iconic open hand, and five insertable fingers to touch us, is the subliminal message of this massage. (Please see the photo, taken by me 12-11-11, at a CA gas station, and provided here for critique, social commentary and parody.)

If it takes a radical feminist or a dedicated womanist to see the woman-hating power of this imagery in an online internet global porn culture including boatloads of kiddie (mainly girl) pornography, then the rest of blinkered women, girls and female babies are in for escalating trouble from a global society organized by and for men.

And dare I ask why we were surprised by internet news about a seemingly “normal” man who had the hubris to watch girl-child porn on a public-transport airplane recently?

Obviously, FAAB and MAAB (acronyms about — indeed invented only because of — activist transgender male-to-female and female-to-male surgically constructed identities) are political constructs and not the biological and social reality (“nature and nurture” — with usually too little nurturing creative outlet for girls compared to boys)  of being a woman-born woman or not in a global porn culture preying on the sex caste of women-born women who begin in the mass-media mindedness as pink-wearing babies.

Obviously, this “public service” photo in CA, paid for by taxpayer’s dollars, could have featured a baby wearing green, a gender-neutral color in our man-made mass culture.

Obviously, the baby pictured (obviously Asian by her hair, skin and eyes) could have been selected from a demographic group not (sadly) affiliated already in the minds of too many with the mainly female child sex trade in Asian run predominantly by men and token torturer women too damaged, scared or desperate not to capitulate.

Obviously some printed word other than “smoke” could have been placed beneath this pink-is-for-girls baby’s booty in a world where “smokin’ hot” is regularly applied to women globally from Jennifer Anniston to whoever Craig Fergunson is interviewing tonight (female or male, since he tends to give “hooting vulvas” air time along with boners in a “fun feminist” sort of way).

Obviously the Asian baby girl could have been posed by the adults in a natural instead of an artificial way where she’s spread-legged (with the “smoke” designation) down below and ooo-mouthed up above.

Obviously this photo could be placed in spots where sooty grime from vehicles does not make the little girl’s face and body, literally, dirty in a world where churches on the corner consider a book holy that includes an origin story about evil Eve, the dirty girl and downfall of man.

Obviously … we in the United Woman-Hating Porn Nations can pray, chant, drum, sing and connect our way naturally to hopping hope for change. We might joke around for comic relief from time to time, but you will not find me among those who suggest using anything but peaceful methods (even if naturally out-raged!) to end the patriarchy, because I do not believe we could successfully invoke the Blessing for Creative Evolution of Isis, Christ as Sophia (Wisdom), Pele, Ishtar, Shekinah, QuanYin or any of the other Moving Metaphors for Radiant Life in the Cosmos unless we have a higher ethics and compassion than to suggest violence.

But, non-violent though I am, even Jesus reportedly ranted (“woe to”) as a curse against hypocrites and others who oppress good people. It’s in the synoptic gospels ultimately adopted as biblical canon by the patristic politically oppressive leaders of a Christianity Jesus never knew. Thus we can only surmise that the oral tradition about the freedom movement was so strong, the church rulers had to include the curses in their bible to lend credibility to the scriptural disinformation they crafted to usurp women’s spiritual leadership. And, indulge my rant for a moment, the “sound bite” twitter culture perpetuates the patriarchally imbedded mind-bindings of centuries in that one cannot unravel centuries of man-made brainwashing hypocrisy in service to patriarchy without interwoven compound sentences to overcome the “divide and conquer” strategy and reconnect the parts once severed into a natural whole.

Happy, Hopping, Hoping Xmas! Three cheers to all wise women.